Arabic Language Tutors in Calgary

We have found 6 local tutors offering private Arabic lessons in Calgary and/or online.

Ahmed M.

Arabic native speeker with a bachelor degree in Architecure and a certificate from Harvard. I have 1 year experiance of toutirng.

Calgary, AB & Online Arabic (n) PS
My Home/Office, Learner's Home, Public Place
Intermediate, Advanced
Youth, Adults

Michael E.

Arabic and French native speaker. MS Electrical Engineering with many years of tutoring French and Arabic Languages at UC Berkeley and UC Davis in California.

Calgary, AB & Online French, Arabic (n), English
Learner's Home or Work, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids, Youth, Adults

Mohamad B.

Native Arabic Speaker. I have three years of experience in tutoring.

Calgary, AB & Online Arabic (n) LB
Learner's Home or Work, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups

Sabbah F.

More than 20 years experience in teaching children and adults. Enjoying teaching Arabic to people who is looking forward to learn this nice language

Calgary, AB & Online Arabic (n) SY
My Home/Office
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids (6y+), Youth, Adults, Groups

Mohamed A.

Arabic native speaker available

Calgary, AB & Online Arabic (n) EG
Learner's Home or Work, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate
Youth, Adults, Groups

Ahmed Seif F.

Hi there, I am an Arabic native speaker from Egypt. I have about two years of experience in teaching Arabic to Kids. Now, I want to teach adults that want to learn Arabic for various reasons.

Online Arabic (n) EG
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Adults, Groups
Calgary, AB
For more options, please consider online Arabic tutors

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