We have found 3 local tutors offering private language lessons in Caracas and/or online.
During our lessons, we'll focus on improving your speaking skills for your work, travel, or studies, enabling you to apply everything you learn in class to everyday life situations within no time. I currently study Adult Education at the University, I'm TEFL/ TESOL certified, and I have fifteen years of experience teaching ESL to people of all ages, levels, and nationalities, both locally and online.
I am a Venezuelan native, my mother tongue is Spanish. I learned English in the United States in the state of Michigan at the University Western Michigan University in a program for a foreign student, currently, I teach at school I teach children.
Venezuelan with 20 years of experience teaching languages to various age groups, as well as to diverse professional and academic levels. Ich bin ein Venezolaner mit 20 Jahren Erfahrung im Unterrichten von Deutsch für verschiedene Altersgruppen. Ich habe auch mit verschiedenen beruflichen und akademischen Niveaus gearbeitet.