Language Tutors in Newark, NJ

We have found 3 local tutors offering private language lessons in Newark and/or online.

Alberto M.

Yo hablo, escribo, y leo bien el español, porque mi preparacion y mi educacion recibí con este idioma. Tambien estoy en el nivel intermedio en el idioma Ingles. I speak, write, and read Spanish well, because my preparation and my education I received with this language. Also I'm in the middle level in English language.

Newark, NJ Spanish (n)

Elena M.

Russian native speaker with Master's degree in English and Spanish languages and 7 years of tutoring experience (Russian, English, Spanish, Serbian)

Newark, NJ English, Spanish

Kei I.

Japanese native with MBA in finance.

Newark, NJ Japanese (n)
For more options, please consider online language tutors

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