Language Tutors in Port Elgin

We have found 2 local tutors offering private language lessons in Port Elgin and/or online.

Qichao Z.

Mandarin native speaker with IPA certification as senior teacher to teach Mandarin for other language speakers. B.SC in Technic & Economics with years of experience with children. Plan, design and lead the class for a tailored learning experience.

Port Elgin, ON & Online Mandarin Chinese (n) CA
Learner's Work, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate
Kids (3y+), Youth, Adults, Groups

Fanny V.

Hola! I am Eager to share my knowledge and passion for the Spanish language. Currently, I work from home as a document reviewer, but my true calling lies in education. I am dedicated to fostering a dynamic and engaging learning environment that empowers students to achieve fluency and confidence in Spanish.

Online Spanish (n) DO
Beginners, Intermediate
Youth, Adults, Groups
Port Elgin, ON
For more options, please consider online language tutors

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