Language Tutors in Incheon, Korea

We have found 2 local tutors offering private language lessons in Incheon and/or online.

Languages English Korean

Hyunji L.

I'm a native Korean speaker and I'm interested in traveling, workout, fashion. I was born and raised in Incheon for over 25 years. I had studied industrial design as major in university. I worked at cosmetic company for a year and a half, and at a pharmaceutical company too Now I'm working at judicial office as a office worker. I really want to tell guys about the Korean culture.

Incheon, Korea & Online English KR
Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate
Youth, Adults

Euna J.

Hello. I'm Korean from to korea! (native speaker) and I use the standard language. I graduated from University loated in Seoul and work in the office now. I can be your korean friend and tell you about on-site story about Korea.

Online Korean (n) KR
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Youth, Adults, Groups
Incheon, KR
For more options, please consider online language tutors

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