Language Tutors in Bogota, Colombia

We have found 7 local tutors offering private language lessons in Bogotá and/or online.

Neidy Dayhana D.

Colombian native speaker with a university degree and three years of tutoring experience

Online Spanish (n), English CO
Beginners, Intermediate
Kids (5y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
Bogotá, CO

Alexandra V.

Trained professional spanish ELE. Native speaker from Colombia.

Online Spanish (n) CO
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Youth, Adults
Bogotá, CO

Armando I.

Colombian native speaker with a Master´s Degree in Education and 30 years of teaching experience.

Online Spanish (n) CO
My Home/Office
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Youth, Adults, Groups
Bogotá, CO

Barry F.

Native English speaker with 23 years of tutoring professionals in their development through English.

Bogotá, Colombia & Online English (n) JM
My Home/Office, Learner's Home or Work
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced

Herika B.

Environmental Engineer in my home country, looking for conversation practice with someone who want to improve speakign skills for travel, a job or knowledge.

Online Spanish (n) CO
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Youth, Adults
Bogotá, CO

Viviana Andrea C.

Soy hablante nativo de español, titulo profesional en administración de empresas, actualmente me desempeño como instructor en el área de talento humano, ética y servicio al cliente con 11 años de experiencia dictando clases virtuales y presenciales.

Online Spanish (n) CO
Youth, Adults, Groups
Bogotá, CO

Clémence M.

Hi I'm Clémence ! French native speaker currently attending a master degree in political sciences ! I'm from France and I've been living in Latin America for 8 months. I would be delighted to help you improve your skills in French. Hope to work with you soon :)

Bogotá, Colombia & Online French (n) FR
Learner's Home or Work, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids, Youth, Adults
For more options, please consider online language tutors

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